
July 2016
July 2016
2 Ocean Lake hike with the Tetons looming
2 Ocean Lake hike with the Tetons looming
Same backdrop
Same backdrop
Taggart Lake
Taggart Lake
Bar T 5 wagon train headed for a hoe down
Bar T 5 wagon train headed for a hoe down
Howdy partner
Howdy partner
We must be in the front row!
We must be in the front row!
Headed home
Headed home
floating down the Snake River
floating down the Snake River
Spotting bald eagles and baby moose
Spotting bald eagles and baby moose

Oct 2023 - Waking up at Jenny Lake Lodge
Oct 2023 - Waking up at Jenny Lake Lodge

Hiking along Jenny Lake
Hiking along Jenny Lake

Zoe's fav - stopped by for lunch
Zoe's fav - stopped by for lunch

Massive gooey nachos for lunch
Massive gooey nachos for lunch

Phelps Lake
Phelps Lake

August 2006 - Yellowstone National Park
August 2006 - Yellowstone National Park
You can see where the park got its name
You can see where the park got its name
Hot Springs start as precipitation and are superheated by magma deep underground
Hot Springs start as precipitation and are superheated by magma deep underground
Convection currents constantly circulate the water, preventing
it from getting hot enough to trigger an eruption
Convection currents constantly circulate the water, preventing
it from getting hot enough to trigger an eruption
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone is up to 1,200 ft. deep and 4,000 ft. wide
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone is up to 1,200 ft. deep and 4,000 ft. wide
The Yellowstone River is the last major un-dammed river in the lower 48 states
The Yellowstone River is the last major un-dammed river in the lower 48 states
It flows 671 miles from its source southeast of Yellowstone into the Missouri River
It flows 671 miles from its source southeast of Yellowstone into the Missouri River
The Lower Yellowstone River Falls has an impressive 308-foot drop
The Lower Yellowstone River Falls has an impressive 308-foot drop

Sept 2023 - Timing was perfect for fall colors
Sept 2023 - Timing was perfect for fall colors

The Roosevelt Arch at the north entrance was built in 1903
The Roosevelt Arch at the north entrance was built in 1903

Gibbon Falls
Gibbon Falls

Lower Yellowstone Falls is 308 feet high
Lower Yellowstone Falls is 308 feet high

Binocs? check. Bear spray? check. Ready to hike in Lamar Valley
Binocs? check. Bear spray? check. Ready to hike in Lamar Valley

Saw hundreds of these guys
Saw hundreds of these guys

So glad I married my best friend who likes to do stoopid shit like this with me!
So glad I married my best friend who likes to do stoopid shit like this with me!

Grand Prismatic Spring
Grand Prismatic Spring

Getting away from it all on Blacktail Plateau Drive
Getting away from it all on Blacktail Plateau Drive

June 2020 - entering Yellowstone from the east via the Beartooth Highway. This entails negotiating one of the most hairball switchback roads I've encountered. You can see one switchback in center.
June 2020 - entering Yellowstone from the east via the Beartooth Highway. This entails negotiating one of the most hairball switchback roads I've encountered. You can see one switchback in center.

Near the 10,947 foot summit
Near the 10,947 foot summit

The Sprinter van handled the climb and switchbacks with surprising nimbleness
The Sprinter van handled the climb and switchbacks with surprising nimbleness

Mountain goats near the summit
Mountain goats near the summit

They grow thick two-layered coats to get them through the harsh winter.
They start to visibly shed these coats in May, a few weeks before our arrival.
They grow thick two-layered coats to get them through the harsh winter.
They start to visibly shed these coats in May, a few weeks before our arrival.

Setting up camp, which is pretty easy with a Sprinter van!
Setting up camp, which is pretty easy with a Sprinter van!

Rocky mountain elk's stomachs have four chambers:
the first stores food, and the other three digest it.
Rocky mountain elk's stomachs have four chambers:
the first stores food, and the other three digest it.

Big bulls can weigh 700 lbs. They shed and grow a new set of antlers every year, which at first are covered in fuzzy skin called velvet. By late summer the velvet peels away
Big bulls can weigh 700 lbs. They shed and grow a new set of antlers every year, which at first are covered in fuzzy skin called velvet. By late summer the velvet peels away

Da crew
Da crew

A view of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
A view of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Thanks to specially shaped neck vertebrae, Great Blue Herons
can quickly strike prey at a distance.
Thanks to specially shaped neck vertebrae, Great Blue Herons
can quickly strike prey at a distance.

This elk is unconcerned with the bear that's meandering towards it
This elk is unconcerned with the bear that's meandering towards it

That's because it's a black bear, which only prey on elk calves
That's because it's a black bear, which only prey on elk calves

Aspen forest
Aspen forest