South Africa

July 2013 - First morning in Africa- off on a little adventure in Gansbaai, South Africa
July 2013 - First morning in Africa- off on a little adventure in Gansbaai, South Africa (autoplay with video on last slide)
Cage diving with White Sharks!
Cage diving with White Sharks!
The cages stay at the surface - just dip your head under for an upclose and scary view
The cages stay at the surface - just dip your head under for an upclose and scary view
The longest ever caught in S.A. measured almost 20 feet!
The longest ever caught in S.A. measured almost 20 feet!
Me little trooper is still alive - but cold!
Me little trooper is still alive - but cold!
Chum scooped from the boat and carried by the current attracted the
sharks from as far away as 3 miles due to their incredible sense of smell
Chum scooped from the boat and carried by the current attracted the
sharks from as far away as 3 miles due to their incredible sense of smell
Fish head tied to line with white buoy and neoprene cut in the
shape of a seal were used to lure the sharks close
Fish head tied to line with white buoy and neoprene cut in the
shape of a seal were used to lure the sharks close
Daddy like despite his distaste for messing with wildlife
Daddy like despite his distaste for messing with wildlife
Check that off the bucket list Bucko - next slide has video I edited
from the DVD of the trip to include only clips of us and the sharks
Check that off the bucket list Bucko - next slide has video I edited
from the DVD of the trip to include only clips of us and the sharks

July 2013
July 2013
On a day trip south from Cape Town to the Cape of Good Hope
On a day trip south from Cape Town to the Cape of Good Hope
First terrestrial wildlife of the trip
First terrestrial wildlife of the trip
Stunning scenery here near the southern tip of Africa
Stunning scenery here near the southern tip of Africa
Stunning couple near the southern tip of Africa;)
Stunning couple near the southern tip of Africa;)
You want proof?
You want proof?
African penguin colony at Boulders Beach just north of the Cape
African penguin colony at Boulders Beach just north of the Cape
They often mate for life. Both parents incubate the eggs and feed and protect the chicks
They often mate for life. Both parents incubate the eggs and feed and protect the chicks
They eat mostly anchovies and grow up to 27" and 7 lbs
They eat mostly anchovies and grow up to 27" and 7 lbs