
August 2006 - Glacier National Park
August 2006 - Glacier National Park
The billowing smoke is from the Red Eagle Fire, which burned over 34,000 acres
The billowing smoke is from the Red Eagle Fire, which burned over 34,000 acres
The Red Eagle Fire burned over 34,000 acres
The Red Eagle Fire burned over 34,000 acres
On patrol for flareups from the fire
On patrol for flareups from the fire
Because mountain goats have two layers of wool - a dense undercoat covered by an outer layer of long hollow hairs, they can survive minus 50 degrees F and winds of 100 mph
Because mountain goats have two layers of wool - a dense undercoat covered by an outer layer of long hollow hairs, they can survive minus 50 degrees and winds of 100 mph

After Big Sky we went snowmobiling in Yellowstone L-R Mark, Doug, Brent, George
After Big Sky we went snowmobiling in Yellowstone L-R Mark, Doug, Brent, George

June 2024 - St. Mary entrance to Glacier National Park
June 2024 - St. Mary entrance to Glacier National Park

Coming into St. Mary
Coming into St. Mary

Virginia Falls hike - 6.6 miles
Virginia Falls hike - 6.6 miles

St. Mary Lake
St. Mary Lake

St. Mary Falls
St. Mary Falls

Virginia Falls
Virginia Falls

Home for 4 nights in Many Glacier Campground
Home for 4 nights in Many Glacier Campground

We bailed on the 5th night cause 45mph winds partially collapsed our popup tent
We bailed on the 5th night cause 45mph winds partially collapsed our popup tent

Grinnell Lake hike - 7.2 miles
Grinnell Lake hike - 7.2 miles

Ptarmagin Falls hike - 5.3 miles
Ptarmagin Falls hike - 5.3 miles

We spent a day in Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada - Cameron Falls
We spent a day in Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada - Cameron Falls

Cameron Lake - most of the park burned in 2017. We did see a grizzly and a black bear
Cameron Lake - most of the park burned in 2017. We did see a grizzly and a black bear

Got back to have a drink at Many Glacier Hotel as the sun went down
Got back to have a drink at Many Glacier Hotel as the sun went down

The bartender told us that bears frequent a spot just a few miles away around
dusk, so going for a 3 bear day, we drove back and forth and lo and behold!
The bartender told us that bears frequent a spot just a few miles away around
dusk, so going for a 3 bear day, we drove back and forth and lo and behold!

The next 20 slides are from the Going to the Sun road
The next 20 slides are from the Going to the Sun road

Hoary Marmot - called "the whistler" for its high-pitched warning issued
to alert others of possible danger. Whistler mountain in British Columbia
was renamed after these animals to help make it more marketable as a resort.
Hoary Marmot - called "the whistler" for its high-pitched warning issued
to alert others of possible danger. Whistler mountain in British Columbia
was renamed after these animals to help make it more marketable as a resort.

The weeping wall - named for the artesian springs that spill from the mountainside
The weeping wall - named for the artesian springs that spill from the mountainside

Avalanche Lake hike - 5.4 miles
Avalanche Lake hike - 5.4 miles

Avalanche Lake
Avalanche Lake