
Lyle at his place near Jardin du Luxumbourg in 1993
Lyle at his place near Jardin du Luxumbourg in 1993
Shot from the top of the Arc du Triumph. We stayed in a cute little apartment
on Ile Saint Louis for a week, mostly chillin' Parisian style but taking in a few
sights from time to time
June 2012 - Shot from the top of the Arc du Triumph. We stayed in a
cute little apartment on Ile Saint Louis for a week, mostly
chillin' Parisian style but taking in a few sights from time to time
The Opera House
The Opera House
Close up of gold statues on Opera House
Close up of gold statues on Opera House
Spiral staircase inside the Arc du Triumph
Spiral staircase inside the Arc du Triumph
Statue inside the Arc du Triumph
Statue inside the Arc du Triumph
Palais du Luxembourg
Palais du Luxembourg
Jardin du Luxembourg
Jardin du Luxembourg
Cops on rollerblades
Cops on rollerblades
A few minutes later we watched them chase a suspect and slam him into a car
A few minutes later we watched them chase a suspect and slam him into a car
The narrowest street in Paris
The narrowest street in Paris
The narrowest house in Paris
The narrowest house in Paris
The narrowest minded tourist in Paris with his cutie in Place de la Concorde
The narrowest minded tourist in Paris with his cutie in Place de la Concorde
Ma petit amour en face de Sacre Coeur
Ma petit amour en face de Sacre Coeur
Taken from inside Le Louvre
Taken from inside Le Louvre
The same planter boxes that are in front of Rose Pistola
The same planter boxes that are in front of Rose Pistola
Laurie, Lyle, Isabelle, and Jacques at the Fete de la Musique, the summer
soltice music festival where bands play on the streets all over France
Laurie, Lyle, Isabelle, and Jacques at the Fete de la Musique, the summer
soltice music festival where bands play on the streets all over France
Who would have thought we'd end up at the Bistro l'American
listening to The Strummingbirds, a bunch of french guys
who play country/rock covers and have toured the States! They were really good!
Who would have thought we'd end up at the Bistro l'American
listening to The Strummingbirds, a bunch of french guys
who play country/rock covers and have toured the States! They were really good!
Until the guitarist (center) passed out and fell right on me,
just missing my face with the neck of his guitar!
Until the guitarist (center) passed out and fell right on me,
just missing my face with the neck of his guitar!
Monsieur Parisian Lyle
Monsieur Parisian Lyle
Playing tourists in Montmartre
Playing tourists in Montmartre
June 2017 - at SFO ready to board an Air France A380 - notice how long the jetway is!
June 2017 - at SFO ready to board an Air France A380 - notice how long the jetway is!
Took this shot in honor of Laurie's dad
Took this shot in honor of Laurie's dad
Musee d'Orsay
Musee d'Orsay
Hotel de Ville (City Hall)
Hotel de Ville (City Hall)
Woman on right is Lyle's PHD candidate showing others how to slowly kill a mouse
Woman on right is Lyle's PHD candidate showing others how to slowly kill a mouse
There's a mouse in there somewhere, slowly dying
There's a mouse in there somewhere, slowly dying
In layman's terms, this lab's purpose is to determine what is transmitted within the neural network of the mouse's brain when different light patterns are introduced to its eyes
In layman's terms, this lab's purpose is to determine what is transmitted within the neural network of the mouse's brain when different light patterns are introduced to its eyes
In layman's terms, this lab's purpose is to determine what is transmitted within the neural network of the mouse's brain when different light patterns are introduced to its eyes
Dining alfresco with Lyle and Ana
L'amour en Paris
L'amour en Paris
Lyle and Ana syncing their neural networks
Lyle and Ana syncing their neural networks

2012 - Medieval Strasbourg was a welcome change from Paris
2012 - Medieval Strasbourg was a welcome change from Paris
Lots of cute little Winstubs (wine cellars) to choose from
Lots of cute little Winstubs (wine cellars) to choose from
A nice cruise on the L'ill river with audio guide and a touch of rain
A nice cruise on the L'ill river with audio guide and a touch of rain
Entering a lock
Entering a lock
It took a few minutes for the water to rise up to the level needed to continue the journey
It took a few minutes for the water to rise up to the level needed to continue the journey
This bridge swings to the side to let river traffic through
This bridge swings to the side to let river traffic through
Some of the half- timbered houses from the 16th and 17th centuries
Some of the half- timbered houses from the 16th and 17th centuries
Beautiful buildings and parks lined the river
Beautiful buildings and parks lined the river
The gothic cathedral of Stasbourg is the
second most visited in France after Notre-Dame in Paris
The gothic cathedral of Stasbourg is the
second most visited in France after Notre-Dame in Paris
The cathedral's doorway
The cathedral's doorway
A few guardians of the doorway
A few guardians of the doorway
Alsatians like to get creative with their signs
Alsatians like to get creative with their signs
Elaborately painted half-timbered building
Elaborately painted half-timbered building
We tried Tarte Flambee in this 3 level restaurant. We weren't too impressed with this Alsatian specialty - thin-crust pizza made with crème fraîche, sliced onions, and bacon.
We tried Tarte Flambee in this 3 level restaurant. We weren't too impressed with this Alsatian specialty - thin-crust pizza made with crème fraîche, sliced onions, and bacon.
We then rented a Citroen and drove along the Route du Vin through some 30 medieval villages between Strasbourg and Colmar
We then rented a Citroen and drove along the Route du Vin through some 30 medieval villages between Strasbourg and Colmar
We couldn't resist the attraction at bottom
We couldn't resist the attraction at bottom
We didn't dare enter the Chateau de Hell (actually it was closed)
We didn't dare enter the Chateau de Hell (actually it was closed)
Quite a few villages had gate towers like this one
Quite a few villages had gate towers like this one
Grotesque gothic gargolyes
Grotesque gothic gargolyes
Nice little hotel near the village of Obernai
Nice little hotel near the village of Obernai
Someone planted a Sequoia redwood from California a few hundred years ago
Someone planted a Sequoia redwood from California a few hundred years ago
Lots of flowers on windowsills
Lots of flowers on windowsills
In addition to flowers, people put funny stuff on their buildings like teddy bears
In addition to flowers, people put funny stuff on their buildings like teddy bears
Most half-timbered buildings have been well kept for hundreds of years
Most half-timbered buildings have been well kept for hundreds of years
Nice cool water fountains were found in most villages
Nice cool water fountains were found in most villages
These folks like their storks
These folks like their storks
And then we saw the real thing on top of this gate tower in Dambach
And then we saw the real thing on top of this gate tower in Dambach
It included a perch specifically for storks to build their nests. Maybe
this is where the myth of storks delivering babies came from?
It included a perch specifically for storks to build their nests. Maybe
this is where the myth of storks delivering babies came from?
Entering another village surrounded by vinyards
Entering another village surrounded by vinyards
The scenery was beautiful the whole drive
The scenery was beautiful the whole drive
This Winstub made their own fois gras (no politically correct ordinances in Alsace)
This Winstub made their own fois gras (no politically correct ordinances in Alsace)
The Chateau du Haut-Koenigsbourg was built in the 12th century
The Chateau du Haut-Koenigsbourg was built in the 12th century
We both agreed that it was the best castle we had ever visited
We both agreed that it was the best castle we had ever visited
Coolest trunk we've ever seen
Coolest trunk we've ever seen
Nicest painting of a jouster too
Nicest painting of a jouster too
Beauty and the beast
Beauty and the beast
Longest tongue on a dragon hanging from a ceiling
Longest tongue on a dragon hanging from a ceiling
Now that's an armoir!
Now that's an armoir!
For the hunters in the family
For the hunters in the family
Built in 1607
Built in 1607
The next few are for the sickos like myself
The next few are for the sickos like myself
That'll leave a scar
That'll leave a scar
Crossbows are always cool
Crossbows are always cool
These were placed high on a tower, near the vats of boiling oil
These were placed high on a tower, near the vats of boiling oil
View from a turret
View from a turret
The village of Kintzheim
The village of Kintzheim
Outside view
Outside view
Hard to scale these ramparts
Hard to scale these ramparts
Back down to where the commoners live
Back down to where the commoners live
This pic and the too many that follow are from the village of
Riquewihr - our favorite village in Alsace.
This pic and the too many that follow are from the village of
Riquewihr - our favorite village in Alsace.
This gate tower was built in the 12th century
This gate tower was built in the 12th century
This gate was lowered to keep the riff-raff out
This gate was lowered to keep the riff-raff out
This sign tells you that truffles are served
This sign tells you that truffles are served
Just outside of Riquewihr
Just outside of Riquewihr
Every village, including Beblenheim, had one of these
Every village, including Beblenheim, had one of these
Our last stop in Alsace, Colmar
Our last stop in Alsace, Colmar
This town also had many beautiful buildings from centuries past
This town also had many beautiful buildings from centuries past

Mont St. Michel
Mont St. Michel
Although it dates from the 6th century, this was built sometime later
Although it dates from the 6th century, this was built sometime later
A tad too early in the morning for Laurie?
A tad too early in the morning for Laurie?
Pretty cool working kitchen in a restaurant
Pretty cool working kitchen in a restaurant
Low tide
Low tide
The causeway at high tide
The causeway at high tide
The courtyard in the monastery at the top of Mont St. Michel
The courtyard in the monastery at the top of Mont St. Michel
Hamster wheel where 6 prisoners muscled slabs of stone up the island's rock face
Hamster wheel where 6 prisoners muscled slabs of stone up the island's rock face
View from inside the wheel - the prisoners trudged 2 abreast
View from inside the wheel - the prisoners trudged 2 abreast
The human powered hamster wheel is located inside the doorway at the
top of the long ramp, which served as a conduit for the large
stone slabs used to build the monastery high up on the mount
The human powered hamster wheel is located inside the doorway at the
top of the long ramp, which served as a conduit for the large
stone slabs used to build the monastery high up on the mount
Bonsoir Madam
Bonsoir Madam
The alleyway from our hotel front door
The alleyway from our hotel front door
The cathedral in Bayeux
The cathedral in Bayeux
A cheesy selfie
A cheesy selfie
This camembert factory had its own cows out back, controlling all aspects of production
This camembert factory had its own cows out back, controlling all aspects of production
Almost ready
Almost ready
Camembert fresh from the factory and a baguette made for a nice picnic
Camembert fresh from the factory and a baguette made for a nice picnic
25 foot tall sculpture in front of the amazing WWII museum in Caen, France
25 foot tall sculpture in front of the amazing WWII museum in Caen, France
The inspiration is from Alfred Eisenstaedt's famous shot in Times Square on V-J Day, August 15, 1945
The inspiration is from Alfred Eisenstaedt's famous shot in Times Square on V-J Day, August 15, 1945

June 2017 - Provence
June 2017 - Provence
Palais des Papes in Avignon
Palais des Papes in Avignon
It was home to 6 Popes during the 14th century
It was home to 6 Popes during the 14th century
The 160 ft. tall Pont du Gard aqueduct was built by the Romans between 40-60 AD
The 160 ft. tall Pont du Gard aqueduct was built by the Romans between 40-60 AD