
Beijing - Jan 1986 on our school's exchange program with Scott Buzby
(pics from my 1983 trip are later in this slider)
Beijing - Jan 1986 on our school's exchange program with Scott Buzby
(pics from my 1983 trip are later in this slider)
The Tbird crew with teachers/spies
The Tbird crew with teachers/spies
Scott and I - there was no heating in our rooms, classrooms,
anywhere and it was bloody cold so we were always cold
Scott and I - there was no heating in our rooms, classrooms,
anywhere and it was bloody cold so we were always cold
The woman on the left was charged with not letting us out of her sight
The woman on the left was charged with not letting us out of her sight
Scott and I in our luxurious dorm room
Scott and I in our luxurious dorm room
Tom Parker from New York getting ready to board our exclusive transporter
Tom Parker from New York getting ready to board our exclusive transporter
Beijing in 1983 - notice the lack of tall buildings. The Forbidden City is in center
Beijing in 1983 - notice the lack of tall buildings. The Forbidden City is in center
It was called Forbidden because no one could enter
or leave the palace without the emperor's permission
It was called Forbidden because no one could enter
or leave the palace without the emperor's permission
Sun Yat-sen’s portrait graced the Tiananmen Gate after his death in 1925.
It was replaced in 1945 with Chiang Kai-shek to celebrate the victory
over the Japanese. Mao Zedong’s portrait has been here since 1949
Sun Yat-sen’s portrait graced the Tiananmen Gate after his death in 1925.
It was replaced in 1945 with Chiang Kai-shek to celebrate the victory
over the Japanese. Mao Zedong’s portrait has been here since 1949
Imperial guardian lions protect buildings from harmful spirits and people - pairs consist of a male leaning his paw on a ball and a female restraining a playful cub that is on its back
Imperial guardian lions protect buildings from harmful spirits and people - pairs consist of a male leaning his paw on a ball and a female restraining a playful cub that is on its back
Emperors of China lived there during the Ming dynasty until the
end of the Qing dynasty - approx 500 years from 1420 - 1924
Emperors of China lived there during the Ming dynasty until the
end of the Qing dynasty - approx 500 years from 1420 - 1924
Notice the small size of the woman's foot - her feet were bound starting as a small girl, which greatly affected her mobility, hence the cane. The practice began in the 10th century - 50% of all Chinese women and 100% of the upper class women's feet were bound
Notice the small size of the woman's foot - her feet were bound starting as a small girl, which greatly affected her mobility, hence the cane. The practice began in the 10th century - 50% of all Chinese women and 100% of the upper class women's feet were bound
The Hall of Supreme Harmony, the tallest and most important
building, was used for ceremonies and receiving official visitors
The Hall of Supreme Harmony, the tallest and most important
building, was used for ceremonies and receiving official visitors
A dragon turtle is a legendary Chinese turtle. Its dragon head symbolizes success, courage, determination, and power. Turtle symbolizes longevity and support. This
signifies impending success and good fortune in careers and business endeavors
A dragon turtle is a legendary Chinese turtle. Its dragon head symbolizes success, courage, determination, and power. Turtle symbolizes longevity and support. This
signifies impending success and good fortune in careers and business endeavors
Gate to the 131 ft. tall White Pagoda
The White Pagoda in Beihai Park was built to honor the visit of the 5th Dalai Lama in 1651
The White Pagoda in Beihai Park was built to honor the visit of the 5th Dalai Lama in 1651
Gate to the 131 ft. tall White Pagoda
Gate to the 131 ft. tall White Pagoda

Sichuan province - at the base of Emei Shan, the highest
of the sacred Buddhist mountains of China at 10,167 ft.
Sichuan province - at the base of Emei Shan, the highest
of the sacred Buddhist mountains of China at 10,167 ft.
Many people climb the mountain to visit the first Buddhist temple built in
China in the 1st century, along with 76 Buddhist monasteries near the top
Many people climb the mountain to visit the first Buddhist temple built in
China in the 1st century, along with 76 Buddhist monasteries near the top
It is still possible to pay porters to haul your lazy ass up the mountain
It is still possible to pay porters to haul your lazy ass up the mountain
I traveled more than 7,000 miles around China in 3 months, almost exclusively by train
I traveled more than 7,000 miles around China in 3 months, almost exclusively by train
Lots of visible rib cages tell of a hard life and poor nutrition. Very few
people could afford meat and we often found small rocks in our rice
Lots of visible rib cages tell of a hard life and poor nutrition. Very few
people could afford meat and we often found small rocks in our rice
A crack People's Liberation Army soldier standing guard at the entrance to a train tunnel
A crack People's Liberation Army soldier standing guard at the entrance to a train tunnel
Looking down from a train trestle
Looking down from a train trestle
We liked this view from the train so much that we got off at the next stop and started hiking
We liked this view from the train so much that we got off at the next stop and started hiking
While hiking through the countryside, we liked the looks of this house so we popped in
While hiking through the countryside, we liked the looks of this house so we popped in
Inside was this woman chillin' in front of tobacco leaf drying
Inside was this woman chillin' in front of tobacco leaf drying
She was quite a character - we hit it off so well that she deserved a second pic
She was quite a character - we hit it off so well that she deserved a second pic
This was her kitchen - she cooked an amazing meal out of what looked like weeds and fat
This was her kitchen - she cooked an amazing meal out of what looked like weeds and fat
The other side of the same room - on the right is Zhou Enlai, China's first
premier under Mao Zedong. He served from 1949 until his death in 1976
The other side of the same room - on the right is Zhou Enlai, China's first
premier under Mao Zedong. He served from 1949 until his death in 1976
Back in the train enjoying the scenery
Back in the train enjoying the scenery
Back in the train and enjoying the scenery
Back in the train and enjoying the scenery
Chengdu, capital of Sichuan provence
Chengdu, capital of Sichuan provence
Chengdu's population in 1983 was 2.5 million. In 2020 it is approaching 10 million
Chengdu's population in 1983 was 2.5 million. In 2020 it is approaching 10 million
The girl is holding a poster that says “reporting truthfully is very citizen’s responsibility"
The girl is holding a poster that says “reporting truthfully is very citizen’s responsibility"
Girls giggled when this stud and his buddies walked by on the train platform
Girls giggled when this stud and his buddies walked by on the train platform
I don't know if this is China in 1983 or San Francisco in 2020
I don't know if this is China in 1983 or San Francisco in 2020

Datong has over 50,000 carved images and statues of Buddhas
Datong has over 50,000 carved images and statues of Buddhas
Most of the carvings and paintings are around 1000 years old
Most of the carvings and paintings are around 1000 years old

Classmates Tom and Scott with PLA soldiers on the Great Wall in January 1986
Classmates Tom and Scott with PLA soldiers on the Great Wall in January 1986
Construction started in the 7th century BC and stretches approx. 5,500 miles
Construction started in the 7th century BC and stretches approx. 5,500 miles
Workers were mostly soldiers and convicts. As many as 400,000 people died
during the wall's construction- many of whom were buried within the wall itself
Workers were mostly soldiers and convicts. As many as 400,000 people died
during the wall's construction- many of whom were buried within the wall itself
The Ming Dynasty in the 14th century used mainly bricks -
before that it was built from rammed earth, stones, and wood
The Ming Dynasty in the 14th century used mainly bricks -
before that it was built from rammed earth, stones, and wood

1982 - Dinner somewhere in Taipei
1982 - Dinner somewhere in Taipei
Eating and drinking with my Dutch buddy
Eating and drinking with my Dutch buddy
Playing some silly drinking game
Playing some silly drinking game
Beer burp
Beer burp
My first teaching gig made the local paper
My first teaching gig made the local paper
My adult class with A-Shien and our roommate Bernie from Austria
My adult class with A-Shien and our roommate Bernie from Austria

A-Shien on the right, and Pai on the left. It was Pai and Francis's wedding and Francis drunkenly whispered to me while we were hugging me "Tony, I know I wasn't her first!"
A-Shien on the right, and Pai on the left. It was Pai and Francis's wedding and Francis drunkenly whispered to me while we were hugging me "Tony, I know I wasn't her first!"

Kunming is the capital and largest city of Yunnan province
Kunming is the capital and largest city of Yunnan province
Typical way that water was carried throughout China in those days
Typical way that water was carried throughout China in those days
Hand broom salesman
Hand broom salesman
Husband and wife bringing their produce to market - notice the scale in her hand
Husband and wife bringing their produce to market - notice the scale in her hand
Akha hill tribe selling pineapples in town - I bought one for the equivilent of 2 US cents
Akha hill tribe selling pineapples in town - I bought one for the equivilent of 2 US cents
Their diet was mostly vegetables and rice - very little meat and that was mostly fat
Their diet was mostly vegetables and rice - very little meat and that was mostly fat
Everyone was fascinated with the hairy beast from America - some
kids cried in fear and most dogs barked - really, I was that unusual
Everyone was fascinated with the hairy beast from America - some
kids cried in fear and most dogs barked - really, I was that unusual
Beating wool the traditional way
Beating wool the traditional way

My buddy Alan and I flew from Kunming to Xichuangbanna, in the
far south of Yunnan province, just north of the Golden Triangle
My buddy Alan and I flew from Kunming to Xichuangbanna, in the
far south of Yunnan province, just north of the Golden Triangle
We hitched south into an area that was closed to foreigners
We hitched south into an area that was closed to foreigners
It was obvious that the locals had seen even fewer foreigners than
the rest of China - everybody stopped and stared at us until we left
It was obvious that the locals had seen even fewer foreigners than
the rest of China - everybody stopped and stared at us until we left
We were just hangin out in the rice paddies when we saw a colorful mob coming from afar
We were just hangin out in the rice paddies when we saw a colorful mob coming from afar
The excitement built as they approached (not much happens around here)
The excitement built as they approached (not much happens around here)
We were mutually enthralled
We were mutually enthralled
Of course, having nothing better to do, they plopped down and the staring began
Of course, having nothing better to do, they plopped down and the staring began
After growing tired of it, we ambled off to the next village, with our new found friends in tow
After growing tired of it, we ambled off to the next village, with our new found friends in tow
They were growing increasingly bold and friendly as we walked
They were growing increasingly bold and friendly as we walked
It turned out to be their village - we spent 2 magical nights here as honored guests
It turned out to be their village - we spent 2 magical nights here as honored guests
It was frustrating that we had no common language (they didn't speak Chinese)
It was frustrating that we had no common language (they didn't speak Chinese)
Houses on stilts in the village with livestock living underneath
Houses on stilts in the village with livestock living underneath
This was a travelers paradise - incredible location and people who had almost no contact with the western world - much sought after but rarely found by the long term backpacker
This was a travelers paradise - incredible location and people who had almost no contact with the western world - much sought after but rarely found by the long term backpacker

The Li Jiang (Li River)
The Li Jiang (Li River)
The scenery along the Li river between Guilin and
Yangshuo is some of the most spectacular on the planet
The scenery along the Li river between Guilin and
Yangshuo is some of the most spectacular on the planet
The dramatic landscape is due to the nearly vertical limestone hills known as Tower Karst
The dramatic landscape is due to the nearly vertical limestone hills known as Tower Karst
This unusual topography is formed from the dissolution of soluble limestone
This unusual topography is formed from the dissolution of soluble limestone
Cormorant fishermen on bamboo rafts are a common sight. They tie a snare
near the base of the bird's throat. This allows them to swallow small fish, but
prevents the birds from swallowing larger fish, which they spit up into the boat
Cormorant fishermen on bamboo rafts are a common sight. They tie a snare
near the base of the bird's throat. This allows them to swallow small fish, but
prevents the birds from swallowing larger fish, which they spit up into the boat
Traditional villages add cultural allure
Traditional villages add cultural allure
While massive bamboo stands, grazing water buffalo, and
farmers working in the fields add flavor to the 52 mile journey
While massive bamboo stands, grazing water buffalo, and
farmers working in the fields add flavor to the 52 mile journey

Shanghai waterfront and skyline in 1983
Shanghai waterfront and skyline in 1983
The Bund stretched along the waterfront and was popular since there was little else
to do for entertainment. This precocious girl was practicing her English with me
The Bund stretched along the waterfront and was popular since there was little else
to do for entertainment. This precocious girl was practicing her English with me
The sign, in English, says "It is better to have one child only". This was a major intersection which is undoubtedly filled with cars and motorcycles today
The sign, in English, says "It is better to have one child only". This was a major intersection which is undoubtedly filled with cars and motorcycles today
Typical residential neighborhood in 1983, most of which were razed for the skyscrapers of today
Typical residential neighborhood, most of which were razed for the skyscrapers of today
Big city intersection with traffic cop stand
Big city intersection with traffic cop stand
The Yu Garden in the old city of Shanghai was first built in 1556
The Yu Garden in the old city of Shanghai was first built in 1556
School kids on their way home
School kids on their way home
Spanning the mouth of the Yangtze river
Spanning the mouth of the Yangtze river
Traditional Chinese Junk. This working sailboat was going up the Yangtze river with cargo
Traditional Chinese Junk. This working sailboat was going up the Yangtze river with cargo
1986 - back in Shanghai with my Tbird buddies visiting a
friend who managed production for American toy companies
1986 - back in Shanghai with my Tbird buddies visiting a
friend who managed production for American toy companies

Tien Shan or Heavenly Mountains
Tien Shan or Heavenly Mountains
Horseback riding with my friends Mick and Eiran
Horseback riding with my friends Mick and Eiran
That's me on the left trying to speak Chinese with our Kyrgyz guide who didn't speak much - he was basically there to make sure we didn't get lost or steal the horses
That's me on the left trying to speak Chinese with our Kyrgyz guide who didn't speak much - he was basically there to make sure we didn't get lost or steal the horses
The all day ride featured stunning scenery like this
The all day ride featured stunning scenery like this
The Kyrgyz migrated from Mongolia around 100 BC
The Kyrgyz migrated from Mongolia around 100 BC
The word Kyrgyz means "imperishable". You have to
be tough to survive the harsh climate of Central Asia
The word Kyrgyz means "imperishable". You have to
be tough to survive the harsh climate of Central Asia
Dreams of becoming a goat herder when he grows up
Dreams of becoming a goat herder when he grows up
Yurts are portable houses that can easily be taken down and set back up when they move up into the mountains in the summer to let their sheep and goats feed
Yurts are portable houses that can easily be taken down and set back up when they move up into the mountains in the summer to let their sheep and goats feed
Hoping to see a snow leopard - they still roam these beautiful mountains
Hoping to see a snow leopard - they still roam these beautiful mountains

Touring the town of Turfan - an important oasis on the northern route of the Silk Road
Touring the town of Turfan - an important oasis on the northern route of the Silk Road
Surrounded by desert, it got its water from an underground system of
tunnels beginning in the Tien Shan mountains 100 miles away
Surrounded by desert, it got its water from an underground system of
tunnels beginning in the Tien Shan mountains 100 miles away
On their days off, the locals would go into the desert and cover
themselves with hot sand - they believed it made them tough
On their days off, the locals would go into the desert and cover
themselves with hot sand - they believed it made them tough
Uyghurs are a Turkic ethnic group that inhabit this area - here they are in the local mosque
Uyghurs are a Turkic ethnic group that inhabit this area - here they are in the local mosque
In 1983 almost everyone in Turfan were Uyghurs - since then the Chinese government has sent millions of Han Chinese to control Xinjiang and imprison many of these people
In 1983 almost everyone in Turfan were Uyghurs - since then the Chinese government has sent millions of Han Chinese to control Xinjiang and imprison many of these people
Construction was mostly by mud brick, which kept the interior cool in the hot summers
Construction was mostly by mud brick, which kept the interior cool in the hot summers
The bricks were being made next door by mixing mud with straw
The bricks were being made next door by mixing mud with straw
My hotel room - notice the roof is the same shape as the one at the construction
site - the holes below are for fires to keep the inhabitants warm in winter
My hotel room - notice the roof is the same shape as the one at the construction
site - the holes below are for fires to keep the inhabitants warm in winter
This guy, like most in China, thought I was 50
years old because I had a full beard (I was 26)
This guy, like most in China, thought I was 50
years old because I had a full beard (I was 26)
The main form of transport was donkey cart - see the little girl with the red hat?
The main form of transport was donkey cart - see the little girl with the red hat?
I saw her and ran up to take this pic as the cart was cruising away
I saw her and ran up to take this pic as the cart was cruising away
Small settlement along the Silk Road
Small settlement along the Silk Road

July 1997 - I stayed with the Buzby's for handover from 156 years of British rule to China
July 1997 - I stayed with the Buzby's for handover from 156 years of British rule to China
Dim Sum with a view of the harbor and friends including Stuart from Tbird
Dim Sum with a view of the harbor and friends including Stuart from Tbird
Heather and David on Victoria Peak
Heather and David on Victoria Peak
Scott and Ian
Scott and Ian
Me and da boys boppin around Hong Kong
Me and da boys boppin around Hong Kong
David the adorable character
David the adorable character
The Buzby's going native for a big celebration
The Buzby's going native for a big celebration
Dim Sum close-up
Dim Sum close-up

Me at at immigration, entering China for the first time in 1983
Me at at immigration, entering China for the first time in 1983
Everywhere I went I was mobbed by curious locals as independent travelers
had only been allowed inside China for less than a year before I got there
Everywhere I went I was mobbed by curious locals as independent travelers
had only been allowed inside China for less than a year before I got there
Me riding in a "soft sleeper" - because it was communist and theoretically no
classes existed, they couldn't call it first class but this was as luxurious as it got!
Me riding in a "soft sleeper" - because it was communist and theoretically no
classes existed, they couldn't call it first class but this was as luxurious as it got!

I climbed 5,069 ft. Tai Shan, one of the sacred mountains
in China and a place of worship for at least 3,000 years
I climbed 5,069 ft. Tai Shan, one of the sacred mountains
in China and a place of worship for at least 3,000 years
The entire path up are thousands of stairs - here a generator is being hauled up
The entire path up are thousands of stairs - here a generator is being hauled up
This woman with bound feet made it to the top
This woman with bound feet made it to the top
View from the top
View from the top