
Denali - July 2004
Denali - July 2004
Had this view for 3 days (we were lucky- the mountain is frequently covered by clouds)
Had this view for 3 days (we were lucky- the mountain is frequently covered by clouds)
Mt. Huntington tops out at 12,241 feet
Mt. Huntington tops out at 12,241 feet
Formerly Mt. McKinley, Denali stands an impressive 20,308 feet
Formerly Mt. McKinley, Denali stands an impressive 20,308 feet
The high latitude of Denali makes the atmosphere far thinner than those near
the equator - making it one of the most difficult and deadly mountains for climbers
The high latitude of Denali makes the atmosphere far thinner than those near
the equator - making it one of the most difficult and deadly mountains for climbers
As of 2019, aproximately 24,000 people have attempted to summit,
with a 52% success rate - including an 11 year old and a 78 year old
As of 2019, aproximately 24,000 people have attempted to summit,
with a 52% success rate - including an 11 year old and a 78 year old

Fairbanks - The Golden Days Festival is held the 3rd week of July and celebrates the area's gold rush history (autoplay)
Fairbanks - The Golden Days Festival is held the 3rd week of July and celebrates the area's gold rush history (autoplay)
This is Alaska's largest parade
This is Alaska's largest parade
The locals dress up in period costumes not just for the parade
but at their jobs as well - our waitress was dressed like this
The locals dress up in period costumes not just for the parade
but at their jobs as well - our waitress was dressed like this
This winch lifted the gold laden ore from the mineshafts
This winch lifted the gold laden ore from the mineshafts
Ragtag prospector's rig
Ragtag prospector's rig

Cruising around the Kenai Fjords around Seward
Cruising around the Kenai Fjords around Seward
The seafood industry brings in more than $83 million in Seward alone
The seafood industry brings in more than $83 million in Seward alone
Alaskan halibut can grow to be 8 feet long and 5 feet wide, and weigh 500 pounds. Their size means they have few predators - mainly sharks, marine mammals, and humans
Alaskan halibut can grow to be 8 feet long and 5 feet wide, and weigh 500 pounds. Their size means they have few predators - mainly sharks, marine mammals, and humans

First night in Alaska we camped at the base of the Matanuska glacier
First night in Alaska we camped at the base of the Matanuska glacier
The Matanuska River is only 75 miles long but drains a broad valley in the Alaska Range
The Matanuska River is only 75 miles long but drains a broad valley in the Alaska Range
Fireweed was everywhere
Fireweed was everywhere

Valdez is in the Prince William Sound, site of the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill in 1989
Valdez is in the Prince William Sound, site of the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill in 1989
It is an important port in Alaska, handling commercial fishing and freight
It is an important port in Alaska, handling commercial fishing and freight
Approaching the Shoup glacier
Approaching the Shoup glacier
Taken aboard the boat just before we boarded our sea kayaks
Taken aboard the boat just before we boarded our sea kayaks
This is as close as our guide would let us, just in case there
was a major calving that might dump us into the frigid water
This is as close as our guide would let us, just in case there
was a major calving that might dump us into the frigid water
Sea otters, sea lions, and bald eagles, combined with frequent
minor calving of the glacier made this a magical afternoon
Sea otters, sea lions, and bald eagles, combined with frequent
minor calving of the glacier made this a magical afternoon

The pipeline travels 800 miles from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez. It has a diameter of 48"
The pipeline travels 800 miles from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez. It has a diameter of 48"
Thermosyphons are special heat pipes that conduct heat from the oil pipeline
to the fins at the top of the pipes in order to avoid thawing the permafrost
Thermosyphons are special heat pipes that conduct heat from the oil pipeline
to the fins at the top of the pipes in order to avoid thawing the permafrost